Selected articles in peer-reviewed journals and books
Decolonial Approaches to Data Ethics, Community-Based Work, and Re-Storying (with Sarah Hiepler, under contract, Wiley Blackwell)
De La Torre, N., Salas Esteban, M.F., Shriver-Rice, M. ‘A decolonial strategy for digitisation: ethnographic dialogues on data sharing Latin American Indigenous heritage at museum collections,’ under review, Material Culture.
Fernandez, J., Shriver-Rice, M., Johns, L., Riopelle, C. "Emotional and Cognitive Modes of Engagement: An Examination of South Floridians' Responses to Short-Form Videos on Sea Level Rise,” Applied Environmental Education & Communication. under review.
Shriver-Rice, M., Stoddart, S., Mercuri A.M., Florenzano, Trentacoste, A.; 'Environmental Approaches to Etruscan Studies: Re-Visiting Negri 1927 Almost One Hundred Years Later in Etruscan Archaeology: Technologies and Methods edited by Maurizio Forté. Oxford University Press, 2024.
Reamer, M., MacDonald, C., Wester, J., Fielding, R., Shriver-Rice, M. “A ‘war’ over lobster and whales: The issue-attention cycle, discourse, and political ecology of right whale science and conservation in US news media.” Frontiers in Science and Environmental Communication, forthcoming.
Reamer, M.B., Vaughan, H., Shriver-Rice, M. “Last of the North American Right Whales: Policies, Conservation efforts, and Stakeholders depicted in Entangled and Last of the Right Whales,” Journal of International Wildlife & Policy, 2024.
Reamer, M.B., Macdonald, C., Wester, J., Shriver-Rice, M. “Whales for Sale: A content analysis of American whale watching operators’ websites,” Tourism in Marine Environments, 18. 2023.
Shriver-Rice, M, Hiepler, S. ‘The Ethics of Digitizing Death and Engagement with Museum Publics,’ in Digital Futures in the Making: Imaginaries, Re-mediation, Materialities, and Politics edited by Gertraud Koch and Samantha Lutz, 2023.
Vaughan, Bojczuk, Starosielski, Shriver-Rice. “Renewable Energy Feasibility Study, Ireland,” Sustainable Subsea Networks, 2022.
Shriver-Rice, M., Schmidt, F. ‘Environmental and Archaeobotanical Studies in Etruscan Archaeology: An Epistemological Overview and Future Considerations of Human-Plant Relationships,’ Etruscan and Italic Studies, Taylor & Francis, 2022.
Shriver-Rice, M., Schneider, J., Pardo, C. ‘The Critical Role of Environmental Archaeology in Contemporary Conservation Efforts,’ World Archaeology, Taylor & Francis, 2022.
Shriver-Rice, M.; Hernandez, J.; Riopelle, C.; Vaughan, H.; Johns, L. 'Young Adults’ Reactions and Engagement with Short-Form Videos on Sea Level Rise.’ Environmental Communication, 2021.
Shriver-Rice, M. ‘Stories of Scandinavian Guilt and Privilege: Transnational Danish Directors,’ in A History of Danish Cinema, Edited by C. Claire Thomson, Isak Thorsen and Pei-Sze Chow. Edinburgh University Press, 2021.
Shriver-Rice, M., A. Lund, J. Madsen. ‘JORDNÆR CREATIVE: A Danish case study of green media and sustainable production,’ In A Companion to Motion Pictures and Public Value edited Mette Hjort and Ted Nannicelli. New York: Wiley Blackwell, 2021.
Shriver-Rice, Vaughan, H. “Digital Heritage and the Anthropocene: Media Use in Site-Specific Archaeological Installations in Lazio, Italy,” Journal of Italianist Studies: Special Issue on Ecomedia; Volume 40:2. 2020.
Shriver-Rice, M., Vaughan, H. “What is Environmental Media?” Journal of Environmental Media, Vol. 1.1. December 2019.
Skubel, R., Shriver-Rice, M., and Maranto, G. “Introducing Relational Values as a Tool for Shark Conservation, Science, and Management,” Frontiers in Marine Science, Volume 6, 2018.